Poetry Scholarships for College

Poetry Scholarships for College
If you have a way with words, poetry scholarships for college can be a great way to help fund your education. With the rising cost of tuition and fees at many universities and colleges around the nation, students today are increasingly looking for scholarships to help defray the cost of a higher education. While you might think it would be difficult to locate or win a poetry scholarship, you just might be surprised to find that there are a number of available scholarships specifically targeted toward poetry.
One such poetry scholarship is the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Memorial Fund. This fund provides scholarships to poetry writers under the age of 40 who submit outstanding poetry that commemorates the spirit of life. The amount of scholarships awarded through this fund can vary from $1,000 up to $25,000. The fund does reserve the right to adjust the number as well as the size of awards given each year in order to suit the quantity and the quality of submissions for any given year. Only poems that have not been previously accepted for publication may be submitted for the scholarship contest. Authors who have been published successfully in the past are not barred from entering the competition. For 2011 poetry scholarships, entries for the competition are required to be postmarked by October 15, 2011. Entrants are permitted to submit up to three separate poems. Submissions are required to be the original work of the submitting entrant, must be written in English and must not have been previously published. An entry fee of $10 applies.
Students planning to attend Arkansas Tech University may wish to apply for one of six poetry college scholarships, each worth $1,500, awarded through the Department of English. While the scholarships are offered through the English department, they may be used in order to pursue any type of degree at Arkansas Tech. Entrants must be a high school senior to apply. To enter, you must send a piece of dramatic writing, short story, poem or group of poems. Entries must be received by January 15th.
Lake Forest College in Chicago, Illinois offers the Carnegie Writing Scholarship to assist students with college expenses. Each award ranges between $1,000 and $5,000. Applicants must submit a portfolio of their writing.
Coe College, located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, offers awards through their Writing Scholarship program, each at least $1,000. Applicants must submit a portfolio of their best written works, including poetry. The college also sponsors a Writing Center Fellowship, which provides students with $1,000 awards per year for four years. As a member of the Fellowship, you must serve as a writing consulting for the college’s Writing Center for three of those four years.
Students attending or planning to attend Eckerd College located in St. Petersburg, FL may apply for the Artistic Achievement Scholarship in poetry by submitting their best works of poetry. No more than four poems may be submitted. Entry materials must be postmarked by February 15th.
Scholarships for poetry are also offered to undergraduate writing students through the Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts at Austin Peay State University, located in Clarksville, TN. Both high school seniors as well as current university students may apply and must carry at least a 2.5 GPA to be eligible. Award amounts are either $500 or $1,000 for each academic year, with amounts divided over two semesters. Scholarship recipients are required to work within the department for 3 or 6 hours per week, depending on the amount of their poem scholarship award.
Writing scholarships are also offered through the University of Louisville in Kentucky to graduate and undergraduate students. The amounts of the awards vary. You do not need to be an English major to be eligible for these scholarships. To apply, you must send in a cover letter, sample of between five and ten poems and a letter of recommendation. Entries must be received by no later than March 25th. More than $20,000 is distributed annually through the university’s creative writing scholarship awards.
The Alliance for Young Writers and Artists also offers poetry scholarships to high school students to recognize excellence in poetry as well as other creative writing categories. Students must register through the Alliance’s website to enter the contest. Applicants are encouraged to register at least 2-3 weeks prior to the regional poetry deadline. Guidelines for the 2012 poetry contest will be released in the Fall of 2011. In 2011, more than 2,700 entries earned Gold and Silver medals.
Competing in Poetry Contests for High School Students Poetry Scholarships 2012
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[…] from essays to writing and the arts, there is a great scholarship for high school freshmen available from the Alliance of Young Artists and Writers. Known as the “Apply Yourself Awards” […]
you can enter any contest to any poetry contest sponsor by going directly to their website and apply their.
I like this, I’m a ACCC college student here in pleasantville NJ. Poetry is something i take pride in but i do it to help out anyone who’s in need of someone to just hear them out when they think no ones listening.
The website I just gave is my art site, i do poetry on their.
Thanks for the help!
[…] the above when applying for poetry college scholarships and you may win a few poetry competitions to help pay for school. You may even have fun doing it […]